Map of Razgrad The map of Razgrad were added in www.bgmaps.com
Map of Razgrad
New map of Bulgaria The map of Bulgaria in www.bgmaps.com was updated in scales of 1:250К, 1:500К, 1:1M and 1:2,6M
Map of Bulgaria
INTERGEO EAST DATECS GIS Center will present the most complete range of Bulgarian GIS Data, Solutions and Services at INTERGEO EAST - held in Sofia, 1-2 March, 2007:
- INTERGRAPH solutions
- MapInfo software
- Bulgarian GIS databases
- Magellan GPS solutions
- www.bgmaps.com / pda.bgmaps.com / go.bgmaps.com / fm.bgmaps.com
- Outsourcing Data Services
- Software Development Outsourcing Services
Large GPS Tender: DATECS GIS Center won a large tender for the delivery of 300 Mobile Mapper CE GPS devices for Paying Agency of Bulgarian Minstry of Agriculture and Forestry. The delivered GPS are Magellan MobileMapper CE with Beacon. To the standard software a special GIS-GPS software module was added from DATECS.
GIS Software Tender: DATECS GIS Center won a tender for the delivery of GIS Web Software for the Paying Agency of Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The delivered INTERGRAPH GeoMedia WebMap Professional sofware will be used to start and run the IACS information system in Bulgaria.
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